Saturday, March 9, 2:30-8:30pm



Instructor: Jeb Barzen, Private Lands Conservation LLC, WPFC

Description: Please join us for a training session designed for experienced prescribed burn practitioners. Our goal for this training is to help prescribed fire leaders learn new skills in teaching the art and science of prescribed burning to colleagues, neighbors and friends. We will do this through a short classroom presentation and then apply these concepts through utilizing live fire exercises. Our hope is that participants will obtain new skills in teaching our future prescribed fire practitioners and understand an old technique of ‘break burning’ (also called blacklining) that is underutilized in today's mechanized world.

Location: Three Waters Reserve, N3941 Golf Course Rd, Brodhead, WI 53520

Required Experience: Registrants must have previous prescribed burn experience and interest in teaching others.

Before Class: Please read the firebreak section, pages 11-15, of the excellent publication How to Manage Small Prairie Fires by Wayne Pauly. Blacklined breaks require relatively inexpensive equipment and can be installed virtually anywhere – on steep, rocky bluffs; in heavy wetland fuels; or in remote wilderness areas. Burning breaks also provide excellent opportunities to learn nuances in fire behavior and use of simple equipment, all to orchestrate fire as a key restoration tool. These are core lessons for anyone seeking to get more fire on the ground safely and effectively.

Must purchase ticket to attend and fill out online registration form.

What to Expect:  Please come prepared for field work, wearing clothing composed of all natural fibers, all-leather boots and leather gloves. Depending on the temperature you may want to bring a warm jacket and hat to put on between exercises. Training day is Saturday, March 9, in case of bad weather the rain date will be Sunday, March 10. The building will be open with restrooms available. Participants will be invited to attend and participate in a spring burn in early April at Three Waters Reserve.

Food: Refreshments and light supper options provided.

 Schedule: Saturday, March 9, (Sunday, March 10 rain date; participants will be notified of the schedule change):

2:30 – 3:00 PM Gather at Three Waters Reserve

3:00 – 4:00 PM Indoor introduction to break burning

4:00 – 6:00 PM Break burning exercise outside focused on challenging weather conditions and extinguishing spot fires safely

6:00 – 7:00 PM Break for Supper (light meal provided)

7:00 – 8:00 PM Break burning exercise outside focused on excellent weather conditions

8:00 – 8:30 PM Debrief and Discussion

Register By:  March 6, 2024, Registration limited to 21 participants

Cost:  $12

Questions? Contact us at and we will answer your questions.

Instructor: Jeb Barzen

Jeb Barzen is the Chair for the Wisconsin Prescribed Burn Council Board of Directors. Jeb has been working with fire since 1978. Jeb has completed an impressive 795 burns throughout the Midwest, as well as burns in Vietnam and Russia. We are excited to have Jeb teach this course sharing his expertise and passion for ecosystem health through the use of safe prescribed burning.

Photo Credit: Fil Sanna

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