Fire on the Land

THURSDAY, February 27th, 12-1PM


Description: Why is fire important to our native ecosystems? What is a prescribed burn? These important questions and so many more will be answered by Wisconsin Prescribed Fire Council Chair, Jeb Barzen. Fire has historically played a crucial role in Wisconsin’s landscape, and continues to do so today. Fire improves native habitats for wildlife by reducing dead vegetation and stimulating new growth. Join us and learn about how fire impacts ecosystems and is utilized here at Three Waters Reserve.

Featured Lunch Buffet: Mexican 

Register by: February 23rd, 2025

Cost: $19.95

Sunny Peace Prairie

Thursday March 13th, 2025, 12pm-1pm


Description: With an unpredictable future, the 75-acre plot that would one day become the Sunny Peace Prairie, went up for sale in 2004. Norm and Carol Aulabaugh saw the property’s potential for restoration and the decision was made to purchase the property. Throughout the next 20 years, the property would undergo restoration and protection efforts. Now protected under a conservation easement with Groundswell Conservancy, the Sunny Peace Prairie has been donated to the Southern Wisconsin Land Conservancy. Learn about this unique property’s journey through time and what is in store for its future.

Featured Lunch Buffet: Italian 

Register by: March 11th, 2025

Cost: $19.95

From Courses to Cranes

Thursday April 10th, 2025, 12pm-1pm


Description: Since 1926, the Decatur Lake Golf Course has been a beloved spot on the Sugar River for its spectacular river bluff scenery, grand oak trees, and picturesque rolling hills. By 1992, the golf course had expanded to include an additional 90 acres. In 2017, the Decatur Lake Golf Course was put on the market. In 2018, a group of philanthropic donors with an interest in conservation purchased the land. The goal of the new owner, Southern Wisconsin Land Conservancy, was to restore the natural oak savanna, prairie, and wetland landscapes of the river valley to continue to bring natural beauty and pleasure to all citizens as a public open space and as a place to gather, celebrate, and learn about restoring ecosystems and healthy watersheds. Since purchasing the property, SWLC has developed growing partnerships with other groups and entrepreneurs to expand programming at Three Waters Reserve to include science and education and a farm-to-table enterprise with local regenerative farmers and chefs. Come together to learn about this property’s unique history and learn about its partnerships that make it what it is today.

Featured Lunch Buffet: Russian 

Register by: April 6th, 2025

Cost: $19.95

Forests Too Deer

Thursday April 17th, 2025, 12pm-1pm


Description: We citizens of Wisconsin love our forests and wildlife.  Forestry, outdoor recreation, and hunting are key parts of our state economy. Alarmingly, these resources are at risk. Many forests are not regenerating, beloved wildflowers are disappearing, people shun the outdoors fearing tick-borne diseases, and hunters blame the DNR for falling deer numbers and CWD.  In this talk, ecologist Don Waller will explore how historical efforts to boost forest and wildlife productivity have led, inadvertently, to interactions that have damaged these resources instead.  He urges those attending to bring their own concerns and questions to the table so we can discuss these issues in an informed and integrated way.

Featured Lunch Buffet: German 

Register by: April 13th, 2025

Cost: $19.95

Check back, we have more Lunch & Learns on the way!