Sign Up to Help Preserve Biodiversity!
Every year around the world, conservation efforts depend on crowd-sourced data collected at Bioblitz events by citizen scientists and experts. The cataloguing and monitoring of diverse organisms is a valuable contribution to the conservation and restoration of our planet's ecosystems. This valuable data can be leveraged to initiate change and inspire appreciation for the contribution of biodiversity to the health of our planet. Interested in joining experts and other citizens in the field to make a difference? Click below to register and schedule your preferred field forays!
Note: Snacks and refreshments will be available for purchase on the day of the Bioblitz. If you intend to eat lunch and/or dinner with us, please pre-purchase your meal tickets below by June 3rd.
Meal Tickets
Lunch (12pm-2pm)
Includes your choice of burger or brat, chips, apple and a beverage. Vegetarian options available. Select your preference when you purchase your ticket. Please save your confirmation email as proof of purchase.
Cost: $15
Dinner (6-7pm)
Includes a BBQ buffet (with vegetarian option) and your drink of choice. Choose from beer, soda or sparkling water. Please save your confirmation email as proof of purchase.
Cost: $26
Event Details
DATE: Saturday, June 10, 2023
TIME: 6am-10pm (Click the sign up button above to choose your preferred sessions)
LOCATION: Three Waters Reserve & Pearl Island (All groups meet first at Three Waters Reserve)
MEALS: Lunch & dinner will be available on the day of the event. Snacks and drinks will be available for purchase throughout the day. (Please pre-purchase your meal tickets above by June 3rd)
WHAT TO BRING: Check the forecast and dress for the weather! Sunscreen, water bottles, bug spray, hats, and comfortable clothing are recommended.
REQUIREMENTS: No prior experience or training is required. The bioblitz is an outdoor experience and participants should be prepared for the weather and exposure to insects and allergens. Children under 12 require adult supervision.